This mystery-adventure-thriller cross-genre series describes adventures of a spunky redhead American journalist with Russian roots, Jade Snow, who while investigating various injustices turns into an unwitting 'accidental' spy. The series consists of a short prequel Green Desert set in Iraq, a set-up mystery novel STEPFORD, USA taking place in the seemingly serene but fraught with dark secrets Berkshires, MA, and the culmination of the series, GOLD TRAIN, Jade Snow's sexy and life-changing Russia Adventure.
Read about GOLD TRAIN's characters and magical setting: Meet Jade Snow, heroine of the Accidental Spy Series Tsars, Oligarchs and Treasure: St.Petersburg, Russia GOLD TRAIN Magical Setting: Moscow, Russia GOLD TRAIN: Amazing Russian Metro GOLD TRAIN: the World of Russian Trains and My Childhood Memories GOLD TRAIN: Who is This Mysterious Alexei? |
Some years ago, when I was flying to Asia via Dubai, I met some international journalists returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, who told me stories of their adventures. The image of Jade Snow, a young and beautiful international journalist, fresh from the front lines, appeared before my eyes and I thought that she’d make an amazing heroine for the international mystery/thriller series. I decided that it was now or never and started writing my first novel, Stepford USA, book 1 of the Accidental Spy Series (formerly known as Jade Snow Adventure Series).
I also wrote a short story, entitled Green Desert, describing Jade's experience prior to Stepford USA. In it, Jade witnesses a suicide bombing while in Iraq. However, during a move the manuscript was lost. In early September, 2011, I decided to recreate Green Desert and expand it to a short novella. It took me only one week to finish and it was published as an ebook by September 18, 2011. A beautiful and witty red-head with unusual blue-green eyes, budding psychic powers and rare talent for being in the wrong place at the right time, Jade Snow is the protagonist of the Accidental Spy Series and of GOLD TRAIN, the gripping mystery/thriller, set in Russia and based on true historic events. Gold Train was a natural progression for the series. When I first heard the story of the lost Russian Imperial Treasure and all the speculation surrounding its whereabouts, I knew right away it was my book to write. I carefully watched the informative documentary on Russia Today, the Russian TV network, which I stumbled upon by pure chance much like what happens to Jade Snow in the book. I immediately imagined what would happen, if… However, between life and other stuff, it took me a couple of years to actually sit down to write it. But once I did, the story materialized on my computer screen as if by magic.The imagery was extremely vivid and I was inside the story, the direct participant as well as the director – at all times. It took me only several months to finish the manuscript. Into this story, I put not only my own passion for uncovering the truth, but also my love for Russia. And I very much hope that my readers are able to feel and enjoy that. Alone in the unfamiliar country, Jade unwittingly finds herself embroiled in the net of lies, glamour, intrigue and alien ideals. In fact, she becomes so popular that it may be hazardous to her health. And Jade deals with this unwanted and dangerous popularity in the way that is guaranteed to surprise even the most seasoned reader! Jade Snow is not my clone, but there is a lot of me in her. That’s why it was so easy to write her. Like me, she is an intuitive and adventurous spirit, has keen interest and understanding of world cultures and geopolitical events, connects well with people, loves animals, has intense sense of justice and can appreciate a beautiful, spicy romance. In Gold Train, Jade says, “I wasn't like other girls; a trip to Disney World would have never made me jump for joy. But I'd be sure to have stars in my eyes, if I was promised an adventure at some remote and mysterious place you could hardly find on the map.” And one more: in Stepford USA, Jade says, “I always wanted to be a journalist. It was really a very natural choice for me. I love traveling, talking to people, getting to the bottom of things.” That’s how I felt all my life. I traveled a lot, and most of my work concerned some sort of communication, either written or verbal, or both. Jade’s upbeat, witty attitude towards her own life and the world around her – warts and all – is also a lot like mine. And certain events in her life resonate directly, or indirectly, with mine as well. Accidental Spy Adventures continue! There are many more mysteries to solve, conspiracies to uncover, discoveries to make... Oh, and yes, happiness to find! DRAGON GATE Accidental Spy #3: Prologue only was published. At this time, no further plans for this series. Please check out other Lada Ray's non-fiction and fiction books! |