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New York - Moscow
A new revolutionary tool for in-depth understanding of our world!
4 superpowers, 11 great & regional powers!
10 global organizations!
94 countries & territories!
7 leading business/ corporate worlds!
Plus the countries’ leaders, armies, economies,
finances, solvency and sovereignty!
World’s most powerful people & more!
Calibrations, Comparisons, Analysis, Predictions!
From the creator of Futurist Trendcast, Quantum Calibrations and Earth Shift System
Copyright 2019, Lada Ray.
Published by:
This book and its content is copyright 2019 by Lada Ray, author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form whatsoever, including Internet usage, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without written permission by the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in promotional or critical articles and reviews.
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FuturisTrendcast Blog: 1000+ FREE articles; 1.2 million visitors!
LadaRay YouTube: EARTH SHIFT PODCAST and Lada Ray interviews
Twitter @LadaTweets
Lada Ray on Facebook
The Earth Shifter (a novel)
Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians (novelette short, The Earth Shifter companion)
Gold Train (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure 2)
Stepford, USA (Accidental Spy US Adventure 1)
Green Desert (novelette short, Accidental Spy Prequel)
New York - Moscow
A new revolutionary tool for in-depth understanding of our world!
4 superpowers, 11 great & regional powers!
10 global organizations!
94 countries & territories!
7 leading business/ corporate worlds!
Plus the countries’ leaders, armies, economies,
finances, solvency and sovereignty!
World’s most powerful people & more!
Calibrations, Comparisons, Analysis, Predictions!
From the creator of Futurist Trendcast, Quantum Calibrations and Earth Shift System
Copyright 2019, Lada Ray.
Published by:
This book and its content is copyright 2019 by Lada Ray, author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form whatsoever, including Internet usage, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without written permission by the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in promotional or critical articles and reviews.
Official Site:
Lada Ray Patreon:
Book Author Site:
FuturisTrendcast Blog: 1000+ FREE articles; 1.2 million visitors!
LadaRay YouTube: EARTH SHIFT PODCAST and Lada Ray interviews
Twitter @LadaTweets
Lada Ray on Facebook
The Earth Shifter (a novel)
Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians (novelette short, The Earth Shifter companion)
Gold Train (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure 2)
Stepford, USA (Accidental Spy US Adventure 1)
Green Desert (novelette short, Accidental Spy Prequel)
First, my very special gratitude to Az, for all his help.
A very special gratitude to my Big Book Sponsors: T.I. Seeker and Maddie Walsh of blog for all their amazing and generous support.
Thank you to my loyal Futurist Trendcast supporters and monthly donors.
And, a huge thank you to all Lada Ray Patreon members and supporters, who’ve heard many of this book’s revelations first. You are my pioneering crew on the less traveled road to discovery and advancement of human consciousness, on the road to the Great Earth Shift.
This book was completed and published thanks to your moral, spiritual and financial support, your great energy, intelligent curiosity and belief in me and my work.
What Lada Ray Patreon Advanced Earth Shift Crew Members say about Quantum Calibrations
Nancy Chester
In 2017 I purchased Lada's personal Multidimensional Quantum Calibration Report & Personal Quality of Life Geo Calibration Reading for my area of Seattle, USA & printed out full copies of each report. Looking forward to purchasing global Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations book for all regions, countries & institutions! What I see as invaluable is the connection of an individual sovereign human being contributing to the calibrations, along with people in other cities, countries, regions and cultures. This is quite different from viewing oneself as part of the "masses" or "muti-cultural" soup, or being a victim/oppressor. It's an awesome thought to realize just how much power we really have to shape the world around us. The late Dr. David Hawkins summed it up in the title of his book on calibrations: "Power vs Force".
To my way of thinking Quantum & Geo Calibrations are especially valuable because they show a fluid dynamic scale of upward/downward possibilities and thus present people and events as process and choice and even world leaders like Merkel with her recent shift to be a "patriot" are responding to the Earth Shift. I am finding that my understanding of the world is also shifting. I purchased the Anastasia Ringing Cedar series when the books were first published in US but only read book 1 at the time as an enjoyable well written story. I am reading the books now. For example, 10 years ago I would not have understood the opening sentence in Book 4 Co-creation: "I shall tell you about co-creation Vladimir, and then everyone will be able to provide an answer to his own questions." We are connected active participants in our world and experiences.
Lada’s QC and GC provide detailed and unambiguous insights into our past, present and future at the personal, society, world and cosmic levels. Coupled with Lada’s wise counsel, I have found them to be invaluable tools in making better decisions about relationships, parenting, career, finances and even purchasing a house!
Quantum and Geo calibrations to me are the key-notes of major and minor excerpts of the music of life and of the earth. They are water crystals, shaping its degree of purity and vitality. They are tracks of our journeys, and a compass to get our bearings. They are voices of the Universal Mind Anastasia talks about in the Ringing Cedars of Russia. They are realities and potentials. In short, they are the breath of the Universe and of Humanity, intermingled in endless co-creation… That's my vision, Lada -- Teresa Martins de Carvalho
Paul Eric
The Quantum and Geo Calibrations show with a lot of clarity what is really going on in the world - behind the facade of public declarations and media propaganda. It is especially helpful to understand the approximate timeline of the Earth Shift as it relates to different parts of the world, eg. the Inverted Collapse of the US. This can help with personal decisions as well, such as where you choose to live or which long-term careers or investments you pursue. Lada has been spot-on in her predictions of future events, including the election of Donald Trump, as well as his subsequent inability to change anything significant!
To me, the value of Quantum and Geo Calibrations is the at-a-glance understanding of where a person, country, event, etc., is. For me it provides an independent truth. Particularly, where leaders and countries are at the moment. Both factors give an edge to the interpretation, and I have grown to quite like it!
I love how much Lada’s work and her calibrations resonate with Siberian prophetess Anastasia and The Ringing Cedars series. I'm on book two now, and to say it is eye-opening and mind-bending is an understatement. Right on, Ms. Ray!
That is amazing, you describe our Country Australia so well! You have gotten to the heart of our problems and you are so correct: the majority do not see the US/UK for what they really are. When you run a Country on fear, people stop to live life carefree. So Australians are rather cautious looking around corners for never-ending perceived threats, where in the past we were known for our carefree attitude. I have hope, I feel people are starting to see that the old ways are not working for us anymore and we need to wake up and change. Thank you so much, Lada!
Introducing Lada Ray Quantum Calibrations; What’s Included; Practical Applications
Truth, Revelations Calibration Secrets! Just Some of the Eye-Opening Details
Every Country Deserves Its Government: The Importance of Calibrating a Country Leader
The Face of the Country: What Happens if a Country Leader Calibrates On Par, Below or Above the Country as a Whole?
AFRICA (Sub-Saharan)
3 Extended, 4 Short
Nigeria vs. South Africa: Extended Comparative Double!
Africa: Complete Continent, Current, Historic & Future Calibrations
Africa’s Past, Present and Future Case Study, 4 Epic Sets of Calibrations + Earth-Shifting Interpretations!
5 Extended
w. Triple Bonus: My Calibration Secrets, the Problem With Western Democracy & Predictions!
New Zealand
With My Forbidden History & Calibration Secrets, including Lemuria!
with US Trade Wars update
United Kingdom
With bonus calibrations of BREXIT and London!
United States of America
The Great Agitator & Empire’s Inverted Collapse
With bonus: Putin-Trump Summit Helsinki 2018 Calibrations (with Prophetic Interpretations)
ASIA (Southeast)
11 Extended and Full
With Li Quan Yew, Singapore’s Financial Banking Sector & Other bonuses
The Great Nurturer & Rising Superpower
Hong Kong (China)
North Korea
With bonuses: N. Korea & Kim Jong-Un Heart Chakra Calibrations; Calibrations & Interpretations of the Two Koreas' Peace Process; How North and South Feel About Each Other and USA
South Korea
The Philippines
7 Extended and Full, 8 Short and 3 Cumulative
The Great Balancer, Protector & Stabilizer
Breakaway Pridnestrovie
Breakaway Donbass: DPR/LPR
Post-Soviet SHORTS 1: Central Asia
Central Asia Cumulative Calibrations: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Post-Soviet SHORTS 2: Caucasus
Caucasus Cumulative: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan
Post-Soviet SHORTS 3: Baltics
Baltics Cumulative: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
CONCLUSION: All Post-Soviet Space
16 Extended and Full, 5 Short
Economic Giant, Geopolitical Midget
The Netherlands
10 Extended and Full, 6 Short
With bonuses: Oil, Russia and China’s exposure, color revolution & US interference
Costa Rica
Latin America & Caribbean SHORTS
6 Extended and Full, 7 Short
With Ottoman Empire 2.0 Update
Saudi Arabia
The Middle East & Muslim World SHORTS
10 organizations total
G7 vs. G20 (Period of 2019-2020)
EU vs. EAEU (Period of 2019-2020 & 2025-2030)
NATO as Organization and NATO Army
with Trump/EU/Russia geopolitical analysis
Superpowers, Great Powers and Regional Powers: 15 countries total
Compare US, UK, Denmark, Germany, China, India & Russia!
(Calibrating QC, CHI, IQ & GIQ)
Power Vortex Quantum Calibrations & Multidimensional Analysis
Xi, Putin, Oprah, Shoigu, Jack Ma, Assange, Prophet Anastasia
Why Western Armies Calibrate So Low vs. Russian Army
How Lada Ray Higher-Dimensional Method Works
Plus, Period 8 Predictions
FREE Calibration resources
Lada Ray’s New Quantum and Geo Calibration System is based on the ground-breaking Calibrations of Human Consciousness, introduced by David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. in his book, Power vs. Force.
Between 2002-2018, based on the foundation of Hawkins original scale of consciousness, Lada developed her own advanced system of Quantum and Geo Calibrations. This breakthrough system goes well-beyond the original, introducing a more targeted, refined and high-consciousness result.
Lada has developed the new all-encompassing system of definitions and values, including the notions of Quantum Calibrations (QC), Geo Calibrations (GC), CHI (Earthly Manifestation Energy), HC QC (Heart Chakra Quantum Calibration), Power Vortex, various chakras and whole energy field calibrations, as well as a number of higher-dimensional values, such as Soul Dimension, Soul Mission, Galactic IQ, Karmic Acceptance Match, Prosperity Darma, and many others. Lada also has created the Empath Index, as well as the values of AP (anger pollution), EPI (energy pollution index), HI (harmony index), etc.
Lada Ray’s system has for years been successfully applied in Private Consultations, with the vast majority of Lada’s clients remaining her return clients for life. The system continues being perfected; new findings are being regularly shared on Lada Ray Patreon, with advanced group of Patrons and Supporters of Lada’s work.
Quantum and Geo Calibration System works closely together, complimenting and enriching Lada’s other two cutting-edge systems: Earth Shift and Multidimensional Universe.
After years of development and application, it can be confidently said that Quantum and Geo Calibration System is the most efficient, all-encompassing and profound tool for revealing the fundamental energetic, structural and spiritual truth about any event, subject or object in our world, currently in existence.
The truths that have been hidden, deliberately or not, will come to light. Where there previously was confusion and chaos, the realization, clarity and structure will emerge. A new, deeper and higher understanding will take place, allowing us to see forward and to act in the best and most beneficial way. These are just some of the benefits of the Quantum and Geo Calibration System.
Quantum and Geo Calibrations are an amazingly valuable tool: based on them we can assess more accurately the present and past, and we can predict the future (but always keep in mind: in my future predictions, the calibrations are just one element; there is so much more to the multidimensional predictions and forecasts!). The biggest value of calibrations is the fact that they astonishingly accurately quantify and pinpoint the true energy and true nature of any situation, event, object or subject, however someone tries to hide or distort it. If used with correct intention, precision and pure heart, calibrations will give you the result with crystal clarity and a directness of truth.
~ Lada Ray, 2018,
Total number of countries and global organizations included in the book:
Countries & regions: 94
Global Organizations: 10
Superpower & Great Power Ranking Index: 15 countries, with extensive, never shared before Power Scale, new Criteria and Definitions.
Plus, in-depth bonus articles:
Every Country Deserves Its Government: The Importance of Calibrating a Country Leader
Business/ Corporate Worlds’ Comparative Calibrations: 7 leading countries
World’s 8 Most Powerful People
Q&A: Why Western armies calibrate so much lower than Russian Army?
Rather than by continent, the countries are clustered according to their affinity groups and relevant regions. This makes it more logical and easy to compare peer countries' performances.
The book is divided into sections by the following regions and affinity groups, in alphabetic order:
Africa; Anglo-American World; Asia (Southeast); Eurasia: Russia, Russian World and Post-Soviet Space; Europe and EU; Latin America & the Caribbean; The Middle East and Muslim World.
The countries within each region and affinity group are presented not alphabetically, but rather logically.
The expanded list of calibrations presented in the book for a number of countries includes:
Whole Country Quantum Calibration (QC) and CHI
Plus the QC and CHI for:
the current country leader, army/defense, economy, financial solvency and sovereignty (level of).
In some cases added are additional bonus calibrations for specific sectors of economy, specific historic figures and past leaders, additional important people and/or specific cities/regions of said country. In a number of cases presented is additional expanded intel, analysis and predictions. In other cases you may see a more in-depth Earth Shift and Multidimensional view of a specific country or continent. All this will enrich your reading experience and deepen the understanding of the whole.
Depending on the country, you will see one of the three categories of posts: Expanded, Full or Short.
Many countries get their own, substantial EXPANDED interpretation articles, as seen on Lada Ray Patreon. Some other countries will get FULL calibrations with a brief interpretation. Included is also another category, called SHORTS, in which we calibrate certain smaller countries as a whole (QC and CHI only), with brief or no interpretations. The Shorts expand the book's geography. They give a reader an additional idea how a peer group of countries stacks up against each other, and how a specific region of the world fares. In addition, for several regions we have REGIONAL calibrations with interpretations. The biggest such region is Africa (Sub-Saharan), which is a major case study, including past, present and future calibrations. Three separate Post-Soviet/Russian World affinity regions also have their own Short calibrations, with interpretations, thus providing a fuller picture (Central Asia, Caucasus, Baltics).
The ten largest and most important geopolitical International Organizations are included in the end, as a separate section. The calibrations for Organizations are comparative and predictive (futurist).
The book also includes a number of valuable bonuses (see full list above), and a separate closing section, with COMPLETE QUANTUM & GEO CALIBRATIONS DEFINITIONS and INTERPRETATIONS. This full table is shared publicly for the first time. It was previously available only as part of ESR17, or to Lada Ray private clients who ordered Personal Multidimensional and Quality of Life Geo Calibration Written Consultations.
Among many other things, Quantum Calibrations are exceptionally useful in helping us determine where each city, country or region of the world shines, where it has a good future and advantage, vs. where it has problems. It is especially important to compare countries peer to peer. The structure of this book will allow you to see how peers stack against each other. Peer-to-peer comparison and analysis will demonstrate immediately where the weak links are, and what a country needs to focus on, in order to be competitive in the future. Often calibrations will confirm what politicians and people have already known to be a problem. But sometimes, a hidden, surprising problem will be revealed.
Examples of peer-to-peer comparisons are: superpower to superpower, such as USA, Russia, China and EU; Northern or Western Europe countries; Club Med countries; Slavic countries, African countries, Latin American countries; Post-Soviet Space countries, small prosperous countries with stable political/economic systems, the BRICS countries, etc. All this you’ll find in the book.
Comparing non-peer countries also gives us an enormous amount of information. By revealing differences in calibrations, we can clearly understand the nature of differences in statute of various countries and regions of the world. We can project into the future and determine what needs to be improved.
The smart politicians, economists, companies and governments can apply my Quantum Calibration System productively on global, regional and local levels to analyze and troubleshoot problems in their respective economies, finances, defense, local and federal governing, social and communal services, transportation, retail and so much more!
Individuals can use this book (and my System as a whole) to assess and compare their respective countries, leaders, economies, armies, and more. For example, this book can help you decide whether to stay or relocate to another country, which perhaps has more CHI, or a better economy, or a more conducive environment for you and your children.
What you’ll read has promising academic applications, as well. It can help researchers, scholars and ordinary citizens to determine how their country, leader, economy, etc., are performing next to peers and non-peers. It may be one of the references in a thesis you are writing, or it may become a helpful source for your report or public speech. Invariably, it will give you a fresh, off-the-beaten-path angle and a profound perspective, which you won’t find anywhere else.
This book will also allow you to project into the future and plan your next steps on the journey through the fast-shifting world we live in. Because make no mistake, whether we want it or not, the world around us is undergoing dramatic and very exciting transformation. This transformation manifests in all areas of our life, from nature and environment to social, geopolitical, financial and economic changes. Our mentality and our consciousness are changing rapidly, too. Through the new technological revolution, we are transitioning to a new society and a new dimension of being.
If you have been unsure, confused or scared of all the changes happening around us, my theories and practices will give you the much needed clarity and understanding.
In my terminology: the dimension to which humanity is transitioning is the lower 4th dimension (4D). The tectonic shift in all areas of life we are experiencing is The Great Earth Shift. These terms are a part of my Earth Shift and Multidimensional Systems, which aren’t the focus of this book, but you may see me mention them throughout.
I have been successfully using my theories and systems to help thousands of private clients and followers. Through articles, Earth Shift Webinars and Private Consultations, my goal is to give you deeper understanding, clear direction and a peace of mind. Together, we work on clearing your vision and jump-starting your spiritual growth and soul development.
Current book is the next step in this direction. My intention is to help my readers reconcile and systematize the system of knowledge contained in the Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibration System. I hope it gives you deeper and higher understanding and becomes your guide and handy reference for years to come.
And I hope that many more fans of Quantum Calibrations will emerge as a result of reading this book!
What makes this book stand out is my trademark blend of geopolitical analysis, economics, statistics, predictions and higher-consciousness knowledge. Some may think these things not combine-able. In reality, the compartmentalized mentality practiced by mankind today is the result of the fractured 3D consciousness, when one side of our nature fights with another, when yin and yang are in conflict. The compartmentalization has led to the situation when those who feel comfortable in the ‘real’ world don’t understand or deny the unseen, unknown and higher-dimensional, while those who consider themselves spiritual are afraid or shy away from the real world.
In reality, both practical and spiritual us are ONE. We are ONE, as is our world, with all its good and bad, with its ups and downs. It pays to understand our world in its totality, not only to heal past karma, but also to move forward. Helping humanity to accomplish both is the reason for this book.
Therefore, a seamless blend and successful application of practical knowledge, cold reason, warm and compassionate heart and higher-consciousness spirituality is THE FUTURE! Those who understand and accept this already live in that wonderful higher-dimensional future. This book will help you get there! Thank you for being here, thank you for reading, and I hope you’ll continue learning!
Truth, Revelations & Calibration Secrets! Just Some of the Eye-Opening Details
The eye-opening info contained in each country's article alone is worth the read! By analyzing the data and interpretations I provide, you will get to the very bottom of respective country's condition, its future direction and prospects. But there is much more you can delve into, as you'll see below!
On my list, some countries calibrated as expected, but some surprised on the upside, and some, shockingly, on the downside. The low calibrations for some of the peripheral post-Soviet Space countries were predicted by me all along, but they still managed to raise eyebrows. By looking at those, it becomes very clear why Eurasian Union isn't developing faster and better. The gap between Russia and the former republics is absolutely enormous. Once Russia post-1991 withdrew the lavish support she was giving those republics at her own expense, their economies and standard of living immediately or gradually sagged, along with calibrations.
It's interesting that presently USA is following in Russia's footsteps, gradually withdrawing support from various countries. And it would all be logical, if not for the fact that the US/West are experiencing the INVERTED COLLAPSE. Therefore, the result, more likely than not, will be the opposite. But let's continue observing and monitoring. My prediction is that the outcome will be a mirror image, or said another way, the opposite from that of Russia. I will explain what I mean by that in future Patreon articles and in my future books!
Asia all calibrated as expected. I don't think I've encountered a single surprise among eleven countries I have done, except maybe the low calibrations of the Philippines.
I'll tell you a BIG calibration secret:
The calibrations are a DEEP TRUTH revelation tool. So, if the calibrations are surprisingly low, compared to what you've thought they would be, this means that someone is going to great lengths to conceal the real truth from the people! Someone is working real hard to present a picture that's a lot better than actual reality! Sometimes our own perceptions do the trick, but often it's a concerted effort to hide the truth. And sometimes it’s a deceptive combo of both our own warped perceptions together with government/media and/or other-dimensional manipulation.
But sometimes higher than anticipated calibrations are deliberately underplayed by countries, a smart thing to do in order to deceive adversaries and get them off one's back. This you'll also see in the book; some good examples are Russia, China and Germany.
The EU/Europe has a number of surprises both negative and positive.
For example, I was surprised to find the incredibly low calibrations for France, which is partially understandable due to the Yellow Vest protests. But Yellow Vests are a symptom of much deeper and long-festering problems. Macron's role is to save France as a globalist neo-liberal project, and as we see, it's not working. France is the place everyone should be watching closely, but the true scope of problems in France is being concealed by the collusion of Macron and his handlers, and EU as a whole. In part, we are also being distracted, and our preoccupation with the especially constructed loud scandals, such as BREXIT and Skripal, Trump and USA's political in-fighting, plus Ukraine - all that tends to get in the way.
I won't repeat here how low the calibrations of Ukraine are. They are disastrous, concealed very actively by the frantic activity of Poroshenko, Timoshenko and other presidential candidates, attempts to change the constitution in order to bribe the EU into being accepted into “Europe’ and NATO, more and more alienation and hostile moves against Russia, all that fostered by the USA’s visible and secret support. No real surprise, considering everything that has gone on since 2014. But it’s still a major, sad revelation how low some individuals and some countries can fall in such a short span of time.
On the other hand, the country and leader calibrations of Serbia and Slovenia (full), as well as Croatia as the country (short) surprised on the upside. This, as you'll see when you read the book is due to the people's spirit, and it's NOT because of the economy, which is lagging. Meantime, the levels of solvency and sovereignty in these countries are dismal, actually a surprise on the downside.
Generally, the levels of sovereignty of the richer European countries, while not great, slightly surprise on the upside, while the sovereignty of the poorer European countries is surprisingly low, despite all of them being members of the same EU. Therefore, my calibrations re-confirm the popular opinion that there are in fact two different EUs and not all EU countries are created equal. However, calibrations go much further, by quantifying and pinpointing exactly how much sovereignty any country claims.
The solvency in the EU is dismal almost across the board. And this is due to the enormous, unsustainable debt levels, and in part, due to Eurozone restrictions, not allowing the countries to manage their currencies effectively, based on their unique circumstances.
One of the shocking downside surprises is The Netherlands, standing out as one of the lowest calibrated EU countries, while its seeming Northern Europe peers, such as Denmark and Finland are doing relatively well. Sweden calibrations surprise in a different way: through the conformity and lack of life, which is revealed by calibrations. Switzerland, on the other hand, works. I have expected it to do well, and it doesn't disappoint.
Germany surprises on the upside as far as the country's general and economic calibrations. German economy's calibration is very high - no real surprise there, but if you compare it to other EU members, or the US and Anglo-American countries, the gap is rather dramatic. It's clear why suddenly Germany forgot about its fear and subservience to the US, and why it is staunchly resisting pressure to stop Nord Stream-2. That huge and profitable engine of stability, which is the German economy, is desperate for more cheap fuel, and it can only be the Russian natural gas. This is the matter of survival for Germany's only global advantage, it's economic might. And it's also very clear why the US wants to stifle German economy by blocking Russian gas and foisting on Germany its own more expensive, shale LNG natural gas (extracted through the harmful to the environment fracking process). The battle for the Russian Streams and Russian gas is only beginning!
I won't tell you the highest overall calibrated countries, you'll have to find out by reading the book, which should become your table reference, a source of valuable info to which you can return again and again.
I'll only tell you that Russia and China calibrations are very good, as expected, except a few moments, such as Russia's economy. This is also not very surprising, given the sanctions and enormous pressure on the ruble, which makes it currently the world's most undervalued currency.
By looking at the whole battery of calibrations, one can diagnose with confidence where the country is doing well, where it truly shines and stands out, and where there are problems. In Russia, which has one of the highest calibrations overall, the economy stands out as a problem, compared to all other calibrations.
I think my new, recently added calibrations, Sovereignty and Financial Solvency, are very telling and important. It was not surprising, but still a little shocking to see how many countries have no sovereignty to speak of. For instance, Germany, with all its economic power, has a curtailed sovereignty. But Germany still has a voice. Some countries have simply sold out and have no real say whatsoever, doing whatever the US tells them to do. And it doesn't really depend on the size, nor the economic development of a country as much as some think.
And then, there are a few countries enjoying very high levels of sovereignty. Russia was a huge surprise on the upside, considering how much critical debate there is inside Russia on this topic. I knew before calibrating that Russia’s sovereignty level will be very high, but it being very significantly higher than the US was a surprise. The last 3-4 years, despite sanctions, attacks on the ruble, US/NATO bases encroachment, and Ukraine situation, Russia dramatically increased her level of sovereignty. This is in line with my 2014 predictions that sanctions will be good for Russia mid-to-long-term.
And then there is US and UK, plus the rest of the Anglo-American World, such as Canada, Australia and N. Zealand. My calibrations resolve the long-ongoing debate who in fact is the tail and who is the dog in this scenario. Some still believe that the UK wags the US. My sovereignty calibrations for both put that tall tale to rest once and for all. Suffice it to say that the gap is absolutely enormous and epic. Similar gap exists between USA and the rest of the affinity group. I certainly understand the desire of some Americans to blame someone else for their country's global behavior, but facts - AND CALIBRATIONS - are a stubborn thing. They tell a different story.
China’s sovereignty calibration is one of the world’s highest, and much higher than the rest of the world’s. My calibrations will finally reveal the true story of whether it’s China or US who are more in the driver seat economically and politically. There is still a lot of remaining US dollar, political and MSM domination. But the calibrations will also make it clear that the US is not the same as it used to be. The calibrations of the US Army and US leader Trump are a real eye-opener.
Meanwhile, the calibrations of Putin and Xi are also an eye-opener, but in a completely different way, Putin being the world’s highest-calibrated leader. For those who have followed my work and listened to Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA this shouldn’t be a surprise.
However, when it comes to financial solvency and the military, you may be extremely surprised by the comparisons between Russia, China and USA.
The extensive calibrations for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East countries are also included, some with substantial accompanying articles. The entire world is represented in the book, altogether 91 countries.
Also included in the book are calibrations and extensive comparative analysis for ten most prominent global geopolitical organizations: EU, EAEU, BRICS, RIC, SCO, JAI, G7, G20, ASEAN and NATO.
I was considering calibrating the most prominent and famous intelligence agencies, such as CIA, FSB, Mossad and MI6, but instead I may include those in the next Quantum & Geo Calibrations Book!
Especially for the book I've created the NEW Superpower Index and Power Calibration Scale (with brand new definitions)! These calibrations will add a different angle and new dimension to the whole picture of the world I’ve put together in this book.
I have identified 4 present and future Superpowers, 4 additional rising and present Great Powers, and a number of Regional Powers.
There are six power categories upon which each candidate is calibrated and ranked, summed-up by the overall power score. The Power categories include: Global Geopolitical Weight, as well as Military, Economic, Energy and other powers. Overall I calibrated and ranked 15 countries, and you'll be surprised by both their power calibrations and their interesting geography, confirming the advancement of the Great Earth Shift. Read all this in the book!
Every Country Deserves Its Government: The Importance of Calibrating a Country Leader
The Face of the Country: What Happens if a Country Leader Calibrates On Par, Below or Above the Country as a Whole?
When we try to understand what any country is about, why is it important to calibrate its leadership?
Because a leader is quite literally the face of the country. Whether elected, installed or hereditary, a leader energetically and multi-dimensionally reflects the underlying energy of the population. The leader is always karmically chosen by the consensus of those who have the power to choose. It may or may not be by popular vote. The consensus may be of one party only, or the politburo of one party. It may be hereditary, as in some monarchies, or the leader may be a puppet of certain hidden forces that pull the country’s strings. Such forces may be internal (as in the US or UK) or external (as in Ukraine circa 2014-2019).
If a leader is chosen democratically, then the consensus of the majority should be obvious to everyone in the physical world of 3D. Such as the case in Russia, where Putin was re-elected in 2018 with a record 67% of direct popular vote.
What if a leader is chosen by a minority stuck in power, such as it happened recently in Germany, where Angela Merkel remained in her seat, despite her party getting only 26.5% of votes, before forming a coalition? In that case, the position of such leader will be shaky, since the majority won’t accept her. If the leader really isn’t the choice the population wants to make, but there is no one else to pick, such leader may remain in a shaky position for some time as a placeholder, until someone new comes forward. The situation I am describing it what is taking place in Germany between 2017 and 2019.
Therefore, depending on the country, choices may be very different. The choice can be very confident and clearly visible, as in Russia; in keeping with tradition, peace and quiet, as in Singapore; bold and hopeful, as in New Zealand; internally secretive, but with full consensus of the population, as in China; shaky and confused, as in today’s UK, US, France or Germany; sold-out and desperate, as in Ukraine or Moldova; torn and tough, as in Venezuela; stubbornly supportive of the embattled but courageous leader, as in Syria; or there may be no choice at all, as in hereditary monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Regardless of this diversity, the choice of a leader is always made with consensus of the population, vocal or silent. The population failing to protest a bad choice of a leader is also a consent.
This is why the phrase ‘Every country deserves its government’ is immortal. If the majority of the population can’t tolerate a leader any more, such leader will be overthrown one way or another, through elections or revolutions, regardless of how hard that may be.
This is not to say that a leader may not be removed from abroad, as the US has often done. But this would also be a karmic choice of the country and its population. In 2013-14 Ukraine, due to the corruption of the government, the population watched with indifference as Viktor Yanukovich was being thrown under the bus by his Western frenemies. The population at large, not feeling any support for Yanukovich, wanted to sit it out, thinking that armed Ukro-Nazi thugs from Western Ukraine would never reach their respective city or town. Just a couple of months later the whole Ukraine was on fire, and it was too late for the unarmed population to protest or make any amends. Only those who paid attention and who knew what they were doing escaped the current Ukraine disaster. I am talking about Crimea, of course. Others (Donbass: LDPR) escaped will less confidence, hence the continuing civil war. The rest were left to languish and be zombified by sold-out Ukraine media and falsified history books, plus the terror of armed Ukro-Nazis and oligarchs, supported from abroad. Millions chose to escape to other countries. On the opposite side of the scale, in Syria, no matter what the population refused to give up their leader Bashar Al-Assad. In Turkey, during a recent military coup attempt, instigated by the US, same happened and the population at large supported President Erdogan.
In all three examples, populations voted for or against their counties’ respective futures with their active support, silence, or with their feet.
The leaders, such as Venezuela’s Maduro, have taken to heart the difference between Ukraine and Syria, and chose to build bridges, actively negotiate with other countries to build support, and to talk to the population, in order to find a peaceful resolution and prevent USA’s invasion. This is not the end of story, it’s only the beginning… But so far Maduro’s approach is working. Neither the president, nor the population or Venezuelan army are falling for various US Trojan Horses, such as the fake aid convoy US is proposing, or the installation of a puppet president.
These are just some examples of various leader litmus tests. But the best litmus test is that of Quantum Calibrations. Through calibrations we can make a clear diagnosis of what the face of the country, its leader, is all about. A leader, president, monarch, prime minister, chancellor, and the team surrounding them, is literally the face of the country, physically, mentally and energetically. It is what any given country’s collective calibration and collective energy has bubbled up to the top.
However convoluted the processes happening in the depths of any country may be, however much any country tries to hide the truth of its situation, as it’s now happening in the US and France as some examples, by calibrating a country’s leader we will know for a fact what the country’s present and future truly looks like! We will know whether said country is heading towards something good, better or worse.
Here’s my secret formula!
If a country leader calibrates below the country as a whole:
The country is in trouble and is heading in the wrong direction. Its current karmic direction is destined to be the weakening and/or demise of its current system.
If a country leader calibrates close to or on par with the country:
Stability is the word. This isn’t too bad during Earth Shift, when major tectonic changes are occurring all over the globe, which may feel destabilizing. Some small countries, whose systems have been worked out previously, and which presently function like a clockwork, are in this position. Overall, such country can feel safe and secure for some, but for others, it may feel dead and boring. The country is most likely to remain stable. The system of such country is in good, or at least relative, balance; the government doesn’t plan to reach for the stars: its goal is to maintain status quo, preserving it at all cost; the population, for better or worse, agrees and has no real desire for change. Even if there are problems in the country, there will likely be no significant changes to the system in near future, but some small, very quiet adjustments are possible.
If a country leader calibrates above the country:
Congratulations! Your country is on the rise; it’s doing something right. There is a strong life force and vitality bubbling up to the surface, both visible and invisible. General consensus is optimistic, confident and strong. The energy of the population and leadership supports growth, expansion and creation of something new and forward-looking. This country’s future will get better and better. It looks bright!
And another formula:
The higher the calibrations of the leader, the better the chances of a country, and the faster such country will be rising and improving!
These calibrations are just as important as the Leader calibrations. What they will tell you is how the country is able to defend and how well it can create economic power, stability and prosperity. How solvent is it? How much sovereignty does it have?
Together with the Country and Leader calibrations, these will form a complete picture of any country and world region.
All this you will find out by reading this book!
(Complete Quantum/Geo Calibration Scale, with Full Interpretations, is located at the end of this book!)
“Calibrations are an amazing and enriching experience. They literally open up a new dimension of understanding in terms of ourselves and the life around us. They serve as a unique multidimensional window into the giant universe, which we can safely open up to observe and be a part of the fascinating dance of creation.”
~ Lada Ray, 2018
NOTE: While Lada Ray Quantum Calibration scale is based on groundbreaking work by Dr. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. and his book Power vs. Force, you will see that it is deeper and more all-encompassing. It is also substantially more practical, allowing us to calibrate and interpret anything from global events to personal issues and one's life path. This scale is used in conjunction with Lada Ray Chi Kinesiology method. The truth embedded in this scale calibrates at: 995 - Buddha consciousness, or absolute truth.
Where to find more free info: QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS basics –
Life-threatening /life-diminishing calibrations 0-199
Life-threatening levels 0-99
0 Death
1-9 Near Death
10-19 Deathly Shame
20-29 Shame
30-49 Guilt
50-74 Apathy
75-84 apathetic grief
85-99 violent/angry grief
Life-diminishing levels 100-199
100-124 Fear
125-149 Greed/ Egotism
150-159 destructive anger
160-174 productive anger
175-190 Pride
191-199 Yearning/ Striving
Life-affirming /life-creating calibrations 200-1000
Life-affirming levels 200-399
200-249 Courage
250-309 Neutrality/ Friendliness
310-349 Willingness/ Cooperation
350-399 Acceptance
Levels of reason and accomplishment 400-499
400-479 Reason
480-499 Humanity/ Compassion
Levels of mastery and magic 500-699
500-539 Love
540-579 Joy
580-599 High Creation
600-699 Peace
Levels of light 700-1000
700-799 Functional Enlightenment
800-899 High Enlightenment
900-1000 Buddha Consciousness/ Absolute Truth
QC: Quantum Calibration
The level of cosmic energy perceived and absorbed by object or subject. It signifies the quantum calibration of one’s soul and spirit; one’s internal world, the object/subject’s consciousness level. (In cases of countries/armies/economies it also often will reveal the invisible, inner energy, how the subject/object perceives itself and others; it also indicates a true technical and structural condition (health) of the subject.)
CHI: Earthly Manifestation Energy
The level of external manifestation and materialized success/effectiveness of subject/object. How the world perceives it and how successfully said subject or object influences our reality.
(In cases of countries/armies/economies it often also tells us the ambition, the outward effort and the visible energy of the subject. In most cases it is on what level something or someone is manifesting, making itself visible and heard in this world of 3D-lower 4D.).
HC QC: Heart Chakra Quantum Calibration
Very important, as the heart chakra is the central, balancing vortex of our energy field, helping determine whether someone’s ‘heart in the right place.’
PV QC: Power Vortex Quantum Calibration (Solar Plexus Chakra)
This is the power center of the energy body, telling us the level of personal power and the level of earthly manifestation one is capable of.
GC – Geo Calibration
This is the type of Quantum Calibration applied specifically to any location on our planet, be it a town, city, dwelling or property, a country, body of water, or anything related to geographic locations or places we live or work in.
Human IQ (IQ)
The mean is 100, which is the first positive value for the regular human IQ. The IQ at or above 120-130 is considered high. The IQ at or above 140-150 is considered exceptional.
GIQ: Galactic Intelligence
Based not on the IQ values, but on my Classic 1000-point Quantum Calibrations scale (see above). The first positive value is 200 (Adequate). The higher GIQ the more one is in tune with the universe, the more understanding of the spiritual side of our world one possesses. It also denotes the potential for one’s growth and vision. Finally, the level of understanding of the Earth Shift and our future is also dependent on the GIQ level. Those of my followers who have the desire and capacity to grow spiritually have become the members of Lada Ray Patreon, where I share my wisdom and my energy through writings and podcasts. Since 2018, when I started this advanced program and created the community, I observe a substantial growth of GIQ of its members.
Dimensions: Part of the Multidimensional Theory
In this book we primarily talk about:
3D - Third dimension: a fully manifest physical dimension we incarnate into on our planet.
4D - Still rare among humans, but more incarnate at this level of consciousness. It’s the dimension of the mind, Internet, high tech and worldwide web.
5D - Very rare, but more 5D souls are coming in. Harmonious, yin-yang integrated advanced consciousness dimension.
6D and above - Higher consciousness dimensions, very rare on planet Earth at this time.
Soul Missions & higher-dimensional souls
Various missions, tasks, karma and destiny for which human souls sign up in this incarnation. Everyone has a soul mission, most humans having mostly personal missions, due to karma needed to be worked out and lessons to learn.
Higher souls usually have more than one mission. These souls normally have worked out their personal issues to the degree that they have freed up more of their time and energy to help others. These souls normally have multiple community-based and/or global missions.
The Power Index Concept
New 1000-point calibration scale, developed by Lada Ray and making its debut in this book. The new definitions have been developed. The Power Index calibrates Superpowers, Great and Regional Powers and it includes such values as: Global Geopolitical Weight, Political Power, Military Power, Economic Power, Financial Power, Energy Power and Overall Power Score.
The new scale is presented in this book for the first time. The Power Scale has many uses and it can be used beyond geopolitics, for instance, to assess someone’s personal power and influence, or the power and impact of a company, book, event, etc.
AFRICA (Sub-Saharan)
3 Extended, 4 Short
We start calibrating with the often overlooked Africa! Overlooked it may have been, but make no mistake, the time of Africa will come soon, and much will change... When and how? Much is revealed below!
In this segment we are calibrating two countries: Nigeria and S. Africa. I thought it would be most interesting to compare the two in one double post, and you’ll be surprised by the revelations below!
In the Africa segment I also have a bonus for you! We'll calibrate and interpret the entire Africa as a continent. I'll provide you with current calibrations of the whole continent. I'll also give you the historic (past) calibrations for the period when Africa was colonized by Europeans. The staggering difference in calibrations will be explained multi-dimensionally. Africa is so often overlooked by the world, and especially by the West, that I decided to go an extra mile and add one more bonus, and it's a real treat! I'll showcase for you something that until today only my clients have enjoyed! I'll reveal the FUTURE, OR PROJECTED, AFRICA CALIBRATIONS!
Nigeria vs. South Africa: Extended Comparative Double!
NIGERIA - country as a whole
Note that this calibration is better than many Western countries, and that's despite poverty and problems, which do exist in Nigeria! But my calibrations don't just show the status quo today; they predict and anticipate the future. The future is looking up for Nigeria and the dynamics is positive!
Also, let’s recall Earth Shift Report 17 and the Quality of Life Calibration for Nigeria as part of that report. It was the highest of all African countries, at around 180. The majority of African countries are nowhere near this number. Note that QC/CHI and Quality of Life are different values. Quality of Life is determined based on a set of criteria I developed. What it is for over 100 countries can be learned through ESR17, where I provide extensive definitions and interpretations. You can also order a private personalized PERSONAL QUALITY OF LIFE GEO CALIBRATION REPORT.
I had a friend from Nigeria once, who worked on Wall Street with me. He said that Nigerian government 'allows people to make money and keep it.' Meaning that taxes are low and business climate is good. That was 20 years ago. I don't know whether it has remained so or not, but judging by calibrations and energy I am perceiving, Nigeria is doing as well, or slightly better than before. It's performing some of the best of all African countries.
Other two things worth noting is that Nigeria is oil-rich. But then again, most African countries are immensely rich in natural resources. It's what you do with all that god-given wealth that matters. The second thing is: Nigeria has a good chunk of valuable west-African ocean shore, a part of South Atlantic. That's a rather prime real estate, and with the right business and political management, it also bodes well for country's future development.
All this is reflected in calibrations. The calibrations also show the spirit of the population and its manifestation in this reality. It's the attitude of the people and policies of the government that matter in the final analysis.
Just looking at the above stats we can see how on point the CHI I've calibrated is: the country is striving and trying very hard to be in the big leagues. There is a lot of pride with accomplishments, but it's the kind of pride that yearns to achieve more and get better. There is room for improvement.
Current Leader: President Muhammadu Buhari
Note that I am calibrating without any personal knowledge of the person or country in question!
As you’ll see reading through the book this is an unusually high calibration, compared to either Western or most African leaders. Such decent calibration of its leader gives me hope for Nigeria. This means this man genuinely cares about his people and country, and strives to lead in good faith. There is a modicum of integrity to him, but not without problems. He tries to balance many diverging interests in order to maintain equilibrium, which is hard.
Nigeria is one of the world's most populated countries, with over 168 million people and growing fast. Muslim religion is quite dominant in Nigeria, and so is Christianity. All this has to be balanced, and that's in addition to still dealing with the old wounds of Western colonialism and present day corruption. But Nigeria is boldly looking forward and heading into the future. It's not a backwards country one might imagine a place located in Africa would be. I am hearing there are projects to make Nigeria into a playground for the wealthy and to attract rich people's money through exclusive real estate projects - a Dubai-2 of sorts. This may raise the status and wealth of the country.
Nigerian Army
QC 100 – FEAR
This should have been expected. Not very good calibrations and the army probably experiences quite a bit of corruption. The army doesn't seem motivated at all, and it seems confused as to what it's supposed to do and who to protect. This is a rather common situation in Africa, where there are traditionally lots of convoluted tribal conflicts and power struggles.
The army isn't very well trained, by global standards, which probably is also a common thing in Africa. But CHI shows that the army is showing off a better spirit lately and is getting money infusions and better equipment.
I'd say these values are most likely rather good compared to many other African armies, which are a mess. As you’ll see below, many other world countries’ armies calibrate even lower. Here we see some striving to live up and improve. That's already good.
SOUTH AFRICA - country as a whole
QC 180 – PRIDE
CHI 100 – FEAR
Current Leader: President Cyril Ramaphosa
QC 180 – PRIDE
CHI 85 – GRIEF (!)
S. African Army
QC 180 – PRIDE
CHI 85 – GRIEF (!)
It's very useful to compare different countries. This gives us an additional perspective on things. As we see, compared to Nigeria, S. Africa is calibrating low. And it actually got worse since 2017, and even worse since the time Nelson Mandela was in charge! The structures set up by Mandela carried the country politically and morally for a while, but now they are crumbling, as the old, never fully addressed problems and injustices are coming out into the open as part of Period 8 and the Earth Shift. These problems are left overs since the Apartheid times. The longer something remains unaddressed the bigger the resulting fallout. This is the law of karma. Therefore, the long swept under the rug problems of S. Africa are manifesting now.
The dynamics isn't good, and that's despite S. Africa becoming some time ago that coveted 'S' in the BRICS. Read below about the BRICS and how it can eventually become RICS or even RIC. The BRICS membership certainly helps S. Africa, but only partially and only to the extent the three main RIC powers decide to work with S. Africa.
S. Africa may do a lot better in Period 9, but only after it resolves its many postponed problems.
Once the home of the Apartheid and blatant discrimination of the black majority, S. Africa is experiencing a national identity crisis. The latest is that the white farmers, descendants of the Dutch colonizers, are being pushed out of S. Africa, with the reverse discrimination and violence taking place. Recently, a big splash was made by the announcement that 15,000 or more Boers asked and received an asylum in Russia. The mass resettlement program of the Boers has begun in southern Russia where they plan to build villages and lease agricultural land.
This has happened as the government of S. Africa announced that they would stop paying Boers for the land they were buying out from them and would simply begin expropriating it. This kind of attitude by the government seems to encourage more violence against the white minority, something Mandela once warned against. All this cannot reflect favorably on calibrations. The violence, expropriations and inter-racial conflict are the reflections of deeper problems. All the above, including poor government decisions of late, are reflected not only in the calibrations of the country as a whole, but also in the calibrations of the leader. As we see, they are rather low. What a difference, compared to Nigeria!
Those who’ll tell me that there are major problems in Nigeria too, you'd be absolutely right. But compare Nigerian to S. African calibrations and you'll see that, relatively speaking, Nigeria is doing much better and looking with more confidence into the future.
There is another thing I'll tell you about the president of S. Africa: he is a mere figurehead and has no real power. The power is concentrated in the hands of local powerful clans, as well as in the hands of certain Western powers, who are still pulling some of the strings.
The army calibrations are interesting, and on par with current president. This is expected but I find it curious that QC is so much higher than CHI. This means that the army doesn’t really know what to do, it doesn’t have a goal, an objective. The spirit is dismal. This also may signify a great deal of corruption.
Central African Republic
QC 100 - FEAR
Africa: Complete Continent, Current, Historic & Future Calibrations
Africa’s Past, Present and Future Case Study, Four Epic Sets of Calibrations + Earth-Shifting Interpretations!
I have received this question from many people, including during interviews. Can I perform calibrations of something that happened a long time ago, or of something that is still to come?
In this unusual post I want to show you how I perform not only current, but also historic (past) and future (predictive) calibrations. Note that I've never before performed African continent's Quantum Calibrations, and for me the result will be as much of a news, as it is for you. But this is how I do it for my clients, both for Skype Consultations and written Personal Reports. It's always new and unrehearsed.
In this article you'll also read my extensive interpretations, and for desert, I'll explain about the Timeline Shifts and how they work in regards to Predictive Calibrations.
(Full disclosure: I've done Africa and African countries' Quality of Life Geo Calibrations in ESR17. But this is a different type of calibrations, based on my global relative quality of life index, and its specific purpose is to determine how easy and comfortable it’s to live, and happy would we be if residing in a particular country, city, region or location. QC and CHI work differently and show the truth of profound nature!)
Why Africa? It is a continent that lends itself best to such all-continent all-encompassing calibrations. Reason being, for a long time Africa was colonized and severely oppressed by Western countries; the conditions of life were similar enough all around it before and during the colonial past. Then, in mid-20th century (1945-60) much of Africa, as well as Asia, was decolonized and became independent, many countries springing up almost simultaneously, in a similar manner. At this time Africa is again a place to watch: it is beginning to experience a rise in both standard of living and consciousness.
And this is just the beginning! You may know my predictions that Africa will be experiencing a resurgence and the growth of both consciousness and standard of living in Period 9: see ESW4 on Through this experiment I want to uncover the underlying truth: how are the calibrations changing? What is the dynamics?
Do keep in mind: different countries perform differently, as we've seen in previous comparative Nigeria and S. Africa chapter. Those are arguably two of the best calibrating/best performing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, yet look how different they are!
Incidentally, even the fact that so many migrants from Africa are trying to get into Europe also attests to the 'growing pains,' and is a normal process of a gradual rise in consciousness from the very low Apathy, Grief and Fear, to not very nice, but still higher calibrations of Greed/Desire and Anger!
Will the consciousness of Africa as a whole rise sufficiently soon, so these growing pains become a thing of the past? Through calibrations we'll see an all-encompassing picture of how the human consciousness, life and energy of Africa have changed through the past couple of centuries, and what to look forward to as the Great Earth Shift develops and the last Period 9 of the 180-year cycle begins!
Ready? Let's see what truths we may uncover through Quantum Calibrations...
“Between the 1870s and early 1900s, Africa faced European imperialist aggression, diplomatic pressures, military invasions, and eventual conquest and colonization. At the same time, African societies put up various forms of resistance against the attempt to colonize their countries and impose foreign domination.” The Colonization of Africa
CUMULATIVE AFRICA CALIBRATIONS for the period: 1870-1913
We should have expected it would be very, very low. Basically, the energy received and perceived by the population was so low that it was grieving, but it was at the time very close to apathy (values 50-74). People felt completely tied up, with no exit out of slavery in sight. It also has to be understood that many African societies were oppressive and backwards from within, with outdated customs and demands on individual. What often made colonization all too easy were the corruption, backwardness and mutual backstabbing of local elites. But of course, this also is case by case, and various regions differed.
Meantime the aggressors and colonizers were low-calibrated souls who brought much misery and devastation. Did they also bring some 'Western order?' Maybe, but we all know how that 'Western order' works, don't we?
Did they also wake up and shake up the societies that were too yin? In retrospect, Africa had to awaken in order to catch up to the rest of the fast developing technologically and socially world, even if it was a devastating and traumatic experience. The role of the West is to be 'The Great Agitator and Aggressor.'
This yang role isn't often pretty, but sometimes needed to wake up and prompt into action and change those ethnic groups and countries that are too yin and unwilling to change with the times.
The Great Agitator (role played today best by the US, and previously by the UK), is direct opposite of the role of Russia the Great Balancer. The role of Agitator only plays out when consciousness is low. It is when the yin and yang forces on the planet are separated and fight between themselves, instead of working cooperatively. Unfortunately, we continue seeing this today, albeit already in part on the lower 4D level!
If consciousness was high enough, the yang West would've played a very different role, and it still can, in the future. I'll explain all that in detail in my future Multidimensional Universe and 5D Earth Shift advanced Patreon articles; and of course, it’ll also become a part of my future books!
Over a dozen states achieved independence during that short period. I must note with absolute certainty: the mass decolonization occurred specifically during 1945-60 due to the strengthening of the USSR (aka, Russia the Great Balancer in Soviet guise), as a result of winning WWII in 1945! This created an inherent weakness in the European colonial states, some of whom were on the side of Hitler and had to pay a heavy price for aggression, while others were sorting through their confusions and dirty laundry after WWII was over.
The USSR supported very heftily the de-colonization and liberation movements around the world, which resulted in three dozen states in Asia and Africa receiving independence from Western colonialism within a very short timespan. Again, not all countries were similar, and the process often varied. But the general direction was the same: radical decolonization, liberation from the Western dominance and emergence of sovereign countries all over the world.
We still see a lot of Grief, as the internal energy received and perceived from the universe. But it's already a higher degree of Grief. The poor quality of life and rampant poverty, neglect, violence, lack of order and emotional trauma, all show up as part of this QC. And no wonder: these people were oppressed long enough, but now they begin using their sadness and grief to rise above it.
And look at this unbelievable CHI! This means that Africa was manifesting very highly at the time. This is what a winning fight for liberation looks like, if quantified through Calibrations! This was Africa’s most inspired and shining moment of awakening! Such dramatically improved CHI denotes a very high manifestation and realization of deepest hopes and dreams! The hopes were high, as countries were liberated and oppressors had to withdraw one by one.
The next set of calibrations will tell us exactly whether those hopes were justified, or not...